
Kamis, 29 Desember 2011

Rumah Jabatan Bupati Pangkalanbun Di Bakar Massa

Konflik hasil Pemilihan Umum Kepala Daerah (Pemilu Kada) Kotawaringin Barat (Kobar), Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah, berujung pada tindakan anarkistis massa pendukung salah satu calon bupati. 
Mereka membakar rumah dinas bupati di Jalan Pangeran Antasari, Pangkalan Bun, ibu kota Kobar, Kamis (29/12). Massa menuntut pembatalan pelantikan bupati terpilih, Ujang Iskandar dan Bambang Purwanto yang rencananya dilangsungkan Jumat besok.

Kontributor Metro TV di Kotawaringin Barat, Puguh Santoso di Pangkalan Bun, melaporkan situasi Ibu Kota Kotawaringin Barat saat ini kondisinya cukup mencekam. Hampir seluruh sudut kota dan ruas jalan utama di Pangkalan Bun, dikuasai massa pendukung bupati terpilih Sugianto Sabran-Eko Sumarno.

Massa merasa bahwa Sugianto-Eko adalah pasangan bupati-wakil bupati terpilih dalam Pemilu Kada Kobar pada Juni 2010. Massa merasa keadilan mereka direnggut pemerintah pusat yang justru melantik bupati terpilih yang dimenangkan Mahkamah Konstitusi, yakni Ujang-Bambang.

Sebelum membakar rumah jabatan bupati, massa Sugianto-Eko yang emosi memecahkan kaca-kaca bangunan di sekitarnya. Massa leluasa melakukan pembakaran karena tak satupun aparat keamanan yang melakukan penjagaan. Angin yang bertiup kencang ditambah konstruksi bangunan yang terbuat dari kayu memicu api cepat melahap seluruh bangunan.

Aparat gabungan dari Kepolisian Daerah Kalteng dan Polres Kobar yang terlambat tiba di tempat kejadian tidak bisa berbuat apa-apa. Bangunan rumah jabatan bupati yang terbuat dari kayu tersebut habis tak bersisa. Kehadiran aparat di lokasi kejadian membuat massa pendukung Sugianto-Eko meninggalkan lokasi setelah puas membakar dan menghancurkan bangunan.

Facebook vs Twitter, Who is More Popular in 2011?

further confirmed the existence of social media and its influence throughout the year 2011. Where the two services should be addressed to the choice seems to Facebook and Twitter. But if asked to choose who you think he is more popular?

According to a report issued by HighBeam Research, and reported by ZDNet, if its standards in terms of media coverage then Twitter is the champion. Micro-blogging site that gets recorded at 50% coverage, while Facebook stalking with 45%.

Twitter Domination is mentioned occurs almost throughout the year, except in February and April. Twitter is so often mentioned when the media referred to the realm of social media.

But that is just from one side. When talking about other assessments, such as the number of users, Facebook is still well ahead of Twitter. Site made ​​by Mark Zuckerberg had been crammed with more than 800 million users by September 2011, while Twitter 'only' has 100 million active users.

The dominance of Facebook continues on the 'various things' which posted its users. Where there are about 4 billion 'stuff' Facebooker shared every day on record in July 2011. While Twitter crowded with about 250 million tweets per day in October 2011.

Facebook mentioned to have more private nature. While Twitter is more open, particularly related to the dissemination of information via this online service that can sing so fast, despite the limited number of characters.

Until the end, it is difficult to compare the two services is apple to apple. To be sure they include social media service that was popular at this time. Lives depend on the user's choice, wants more time to spend where?

This report also mentions that other social media behind Facebook and Twitter the most popular is LinkedIn, MySpace, and MySpace. For some reason Google + not included in the report.